AHA Press Releases

Below are the most recent press releases from the American Hospital Association.


The AHA is pleased that, in response to our successful lawsuit, the Health Resources and Services Administration today launched a new website to shine needed light on 340B drug pricing, which the government has found lacking. This website will help make sure hospitals participating in the program are not being overcharged by drug companies and that instances of price gouging can be uncovered and penalties enforced.
Every day, hospitals and health systems see the value that information exchange has on care improvement and patient engagement. Today, nearly all hospitals and health systems enable patients to view information from their health record online, and each year brings additional gains in sharing across settings of care. This increased access to vital health information allows patients to play a more informed, active role in their health and health care.
The partnership between the SANS Institute and the American Hospital Association (AHA) draws on a shared mission to ensure that information security professionals in critical organizations are skil